Dunnamaggin GAA are aiming to set a Guinness World Record of 1000 ride-on mowers mowing at the same time to raise funds for The Camphill Community and Dunnamaggin GAA.
The Camphill Community of Ballytobin is situated within the Parish of Dunnamaggin and is a therapeutic community for adults and children with special needs.
Dunnamaggin GAA club consists of Dunnamaggin Hurling Club and Kilmoganny Football Club with over 18 teams between the two clubs. The event will be held on Sunday 24th July, 2011 @ 1pm at the Dunnamaggin GAA Grounds, Dunnamaggin, Co. Kilkenny. There will be a range of other activities on the day such as barbecue, competitions, raffles, trade stands, live music, face-painting and more. HOW TO ENTERIf you would like to participate you can enter by:
1. Downloading the application form from www.rideonmowerworldrecoedattempt.com2. If your local sports club is participating in the challenge you can purchase a ticket from them.3. Emailing us contact@rideonmowerworldrecordattempt.com4. Phoning us on: 086 7847002. If you are a club and would like to enter in the club only draw for the Husqvarna GTH260XP Tractor Complete with 3 Box Collector, retail value € 6,000 please contact us on 086 7847002 for more details.