Kilkenny VHI GAA CÁºl Camps are coming to a GAA Club, College near you “¦”¦”¦.

By Mary Morgan Fri 24th Jun

Kilkenny VHI GAA Cúl Camps are coming to a GAA Club,  College near you ……….
Attention all Primary School /Club GAA stars of the future, it’s Kilkenny VHI GAA Cúl Camp time of the year again. VHI GAA Cúl Camps are being held in nine venues regionally in Kilkenny city and county throughout the month of July. The camps are structured so that all skills of the games are covered in and fun and enjoyable environment, with fully qualified GAA Coaches willing to pass on their knowledge and enthusiasm. We are also, very fortunate, that some of our Senior Intercounty Hurlers drop in to give their own special tips during the week. 
The Kilkenny VHI GAA Cúl Camps run Monday to Friday 10.00am to 2.30pm for 6-13 year old
Primary School going children. Children to bring their own Hurling /Gaelic Football gear and packed lunch.
Check out the  VHI GAA Cúl Camp website at , alternatively ring
Brían  (087) 2492343 or James  (087) 7931906 for further information, to find out where the camps are on, near you, in Kilkenny ,over the next few weeks.
Looking forward to meeting  the future GAA stars of our National Games over the next few weeks, and if you can’t make a VHI GAA Cúl Camp be sure to practice the skills of the game each evening and with your own local GAA Club during the Summer months.

“Mól an Óige agus tiocfaidh said”

By Mary Morgan Fri 24th Jun

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