Northern GAA Convention 2011

By Mary Morgan Thu 8th Dec

Minutes of the Northern GAA Convention 2011

The 86th annual convention of the Northern GAA Board was held in
Aras O Cearbhuill on Monday 5th December 2011.

Chairman Paul Kavanagh, Vice Chairman Donal Brennan, secretary PJ Kenny, and P.R.O Pat Joyce were in attendance.

The following clubs were represented:-

Barrow Rangers: Bob Shortall
Bennettsbridge: Martin Treacy
Blacks and Whites: Dick Barcoe
Cloneen: Donal Brennan
Conahy Shamrocks: Michael Healy
Danesfort: Tom Mahony
Dicksboro: Ned Buggy
Emeralds: Pat Joyce
Fenians: Michael Ryan
Galmoy: Philip Brennan
Graigue Ballycallan: Kieran Brennan
James Stephens: Val Malone
Lisdowney: PJ Kenny
O’Loughlin Gaels: Gerry Buckley
St. Lachtain’s: Paddy Butler
St. Martins: Liam Dowling
St. Patrick’s: John Lacey
Threecastles: Patsy Doheny
Young Irelands: Willie Delaney

Also in attendance were:- County Chairman Paul Kinsella, Leinster Council Delegate John Lacey, Development Officer John Comerford, and Coaching Officer Val Malone.

Apologies:- Ned Quinn, Barry Hickey, Pat Dunphy, Conor Denieffe, Jimmy Walsh, John Byrne, Michael Shortall, Liam Tyrrell.

Minutes of the 2010 Convention were proposed by Michael Ryan and seconded by Martin Treacy.

The Secretary’s Report was adopted. – proposed by Martin Treacy and seconded by Paddy Butler.


In his report,  the Secretary congratulated the various winners of championship and leagues:- 

Junior Championship – St. Patrick’s, Northern Junior Championship – St. Patrick’s,  Northern Junior A Championship & County Junior A Championship –  Tullaroan, Northern Junior B Championship & County Junior B Championship Conahy Shamrocks, North U-21 A Championship – St. Patrick’s, North U-21 B Championship – Emeralds, Junior League Section A Final Lisdowney, Junior League Section B Final – Clara, All County League Final – Mount Leinster Rangers, North Junior A League Final  – St. Martins, North Junior B League Final & County Junior B League Final – O’Loughlin Gaels, Paddy Cahill Final – Naomh Molling, Kevin Fennelly Cup Final – Barrow Rangers, Joe Walsh Cup Final – Graignamanagh,

He congratulated St. Patrick’s on winning the Leinster Junior Final and wished them luck in the All Ireland series and the U-21A Final. He also noted that the winners of the old North and Junior Championship both qualified for the county final despite the new format, which has proved popular among players and clubs. He also wishes the Emeralds best of luck in the B championship final. James Stephens, Danesfort and Bennettsbridge minor were congratulated on winning the Senior, Intermediate and Minor A finals, respectively.  Clubs, he noted were facing challenging times, with emigration and finance being major issues. He felt a good PRO & Website in clubs were vital to give a positive image and attract more support for clubs and keep locals abroad up to date with club news.

The Senior hurlers were congratulated on their win this year and over the last. number of years. It was refreshing to see so many of them involved with their U-21 club side in the last number of weeks. The Farrell Cup made a re-appreance after a number of years. It proved to be a huge success with great interest. from players and Intermediate County Management, It is hoped to run it in Ballyragget under lights this year. Pat Hoban was also

thanked for his excellent job with Kilkenny Intermediates. The County Board were also congratulated on their Development at Dunmore, which will be a great asset to the Kilkenny GAA for many years to come. Thanks to JJ Kavanagh and Sons Urlingford for generous sponsorship of league and championship. Clubs were also urged to support Hurlers Co Op Draw, County Board Lotto and the Kilkenny Supporters Club.  A surplus of €5,336 was announced for the year.

The following were thanked for all their help.

The Board Officers  – Paul Kavanagh, Donal Brennan, Pat Joyce and last. year’s Secretary Ned Buggy.

The Fixtures Chairman Pat Dunphy and his committee.

Liam Dewberry for all his help through the year

Referees, umpires and linesmen without whom no games would go ahead.

The groundmen, gatemen, stewards, secretaries and Northern Board delegates in all clubs

All newspapers, radio and Eoin Hennessy photographs.

All the County Board officers for all their help throughout the year.

Caroline in Nowlan Park for all her help.

The Southern Board officerswith  whom we worked  together throughout the year.


Paul Kavanagh announced that after five years he had to vacate his seat.  He said it was an a very enjoyable five years. He felt it was an honour for him and his club to have served as chairman of the Northern Board and his last. duty as chairman was to present his own club with the North U-21 B trophy. He wished them the best of luck in the county final. He congratulated St. Patrick’s on their fine wins in Leinster and U-21 and wished them the best. of luck going forward. He thanked all the officers he had worked with and wished future officers all the best. going forward. He felt the new Junior Hurling format was a great success. He thanked all the club officers who kept clubs going, saying that there were many fine facilities up the North. While emigration and finance were problems going forward, he felt that the GAA would survive and thrive.

Paul Kinsella said he was delighted to be here. He thanked Paul Kavanagh for his five years. He thanked him for his generous sponsorship and other unnoticed work. He wished Donal Brennan all the best. in his new role. 2011 was a great year for St. Patrick’s with the Juniors and U-21s winning. He wished them the best. of luck in the All Ireland series and said their were several clubs who could look forward to 2012 with an eye to winning the Junior Championship. He said Kilkenny’s win last. September was a highlight and that the county were lucky to have such a great group of players and management. He outlined the huge benefit the development at Dunmore would provide with two pitches, one the size of Croke Park with floodlighting and four dressing rooms. With Inter county fixtures all being put back a week, it could create a problem for local fixtures if Kilkenny had a successful year.


John Comerford complimented the board on their work. He explained that the applications for 2013 grants had to be in by 1st  May 2012 and anyone who was already in for 2012 grants had to have the work done by 1st August. 2012. One aspect of the grants is the five year club plan. He felt it is beneficial for clubs whether they are going for grants or not to do the five year plan. It covers many areas – Coaching, Physical development of players, Administration,and Finance. Clubs have been able to get more workers involved in their clubs. October to March he felt was the best. time to do the five year plan before matches started up. He felt the website was vital for clubs with so many people having to move abroad. He felt every club should strive to have a second pitch.


John Lacey complimented Paul Kavanagh on his five years and wished Donal all the best. He praised the board for completing all fixtures within the year. He said that winning a Junior Championship was a terrific lift for St. Patrick’s Ballyragget. The GAA he said is the heart of every parish in Kilkenny. He felt there were many clubs who were capable of winning the Junior Championship next year. Leinster Council budget will be down so there will be less money for clubs. He felt clubs must. tailor their development work accordingly.


Val Malone thanked all the clubs for their help through the year and wished Donal Brennan all the best. in the new role.

The following officers were elected

Chairman Donal Brennan

Vice Chairman John Byrne

Secretary PJ Kenny

PRO ?:

Treasurer Paul Kavanagh.

St. Martins had a recommendation  “that the U-21 North Championship be treated the same as the South”.  Liam Dowling explaied that this is to do with the possibility of running a shield competition like the South. The fact that there are more teams up North makes it more difficult to run. It was suggested that in time the U-21 championship would probably go All County. The summer was going to be a problem with most. clubs losing players to USA. Even still there are a couple of championships still to be finished. It was agreed to look at this at a later date.   

A discussion took place on facilities, Paul Kinsella urged clubs to have their health and safety up to date, Eddie Blackmore was thanked as he helped clubs with Health and safety issues, The County Board were also going to need more qualified stewards to meet Health and Safety regulations. Every club was urged to have a health and safety statement



By Mary Morgan Thu 8th Dec

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