Off The Booze and on The Ball

By Mary Morgan Wed 28th Dec

This fun challenge with a healthy twist invites participants to abstain from alcohol for the month of January and in doing so seek sponsorship to go towards their local GAA club. Participants are also encouraged to engage in some new exercises that help them reach their recommended weekly activity levels during the month, and hopefully throughout 2012.

The initiative is being driven by the Association’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) programme, a joint initiative with the HSE aimed at reducing the harm caused by the misuse of alcohol and other substances.

Sign up for the challenge at and ‘Take the Pint Sized Challenge’ for your club. You will be emailed an information pack and sponsorship card. It is proving particularly popular as a fundraising method for panels that also want to start the New Year on a healthy footing.

By Mary Morgan Wed 28th Dec

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