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Double Header in Nowlan Park on Sunday

By Mary Morgan Thu 29th Mar

Double Header in Nowlan Park on Sunday
Double Header in Nowlan Park on Sunday
                                          Leaving Nowlan Park!        
Patrons to Nowlan Park will have noticed some recent improvements to the Ground notably the   
addition and widening of passageways. This follows a nationwide survey of all county grounds.    
We now appeal to all supporters to use these new passageways and not to encroach on the pitch 
at any time. Patrons in the Old Stand should exit by the gate at the rear of the stand or by the   
widened passageways in front of the uncovered seated areas. Patrons in Ardan de Gras should  
exit on to Hebron Road or to the Angle via new exits at rear of the New Ardan O Cearbhaill.  
Please do not cross the pitch to exit the Ground.          
To allow players to warm down and to exit the pitch safely we ask all supporters not to  
encroach on the pitch at the end of the game. Thank you for your co-operation.    

By Mary Morgan Thu 29th Mar

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