Sanctions – Insurance now Required

By Mary Morgan Mon 26th Mar

Sanctions – Insurance now Required


GAA players who are travelling to the U.S.A. or Canada for the summer must receive a sanction to allow them play on a temporary basis with clubs in these areas. A decision of Ard Chomhairle recently made it compulsory for all players to obtain insurance cover from the GAA before a sanction to the U.S.A. or Canada can be granted.  


This insurance cover costs €40 and sanctions will no longer be processed going forward unless this insurance has been purchased, and receipt of purchase is submitted with a sanction application.


Therefore, players who wish to receive a sanction to the U.S.A. or Canada (or a weekend authorisation in the case of New York) will need to purchase this sanction insurance at where the €40 fee can be paid by Laser, Visa or Mastercard.


After completion the player will receive a receipt by email. If the sanction request is submitted by post, this receipt must be printed out and attached to the request; alternatively if the sanction is submitted by email this receipt must accompany the sanction form.


Where an individual is not in a position to register online, postal or money orders to the value of €40 can be attached to postal requests.  


Requests for sanctions should be sent to, by fax to 01-8658650 or by post to Stephen Browne, Croke Park, Dublin 3. 

By Mary Morgan Mon 26th Mar

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