Information Seminar on Sports Capital Fund

By Mary Morgan Thu 12th Apr

A new €30 million fund for important sports capital projects was launched on the 24th March by Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring TD. Kilkenny Recreation & Sports Partnership welcomes this scheme as it is the first round of sports capital funding for four years. In order to assist sporting organisations and groups who are planning on applying to this scheme, Kilkenny Recreation & Sports Partnership are holding an Information Seminar on Friday, 13th of April from 7.30pm – 9.30pm in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny
The seminar will be delivered by Anne-Marie Maher, Laois County Council who has substantial experience assisting groups to complete Sports Capital Grant applications.
This information Seminar is designed to assist sporting organisations and groups to improve the quality of submissions and their chances of being successful by;

 – providing up-to-date information in relation to the aims and operation of the 2012 Sports Capital Programme;

 – familiarising participants with the nature and extent of preparation involved in making a submission;

 – offering practical advice in relation to the completion of the official form and the various attachments that are required;

 – clarifying issues around planning permission, costing and tendering processes, liability and insurance, etc.

 The Sports Capital Programme is the main channel of Government support for developing sports facilities and purchasing sports equipment for sports clubs and organistations across Ireland.  The scheme will be open to far more clubs and groups than ever before, because a strict requirement on landownership has been relaxed.  In the past, all applicants had to own their land or have it on a long lease.  Minister Ring has decided that these clubs now be able to apply for grants of up to €25,000 to upgrade facilities.

 The minimum amount of matching funding which clubs and organisations will need to provide themselves in order to apply for a grant has been halved from the previous round of the programme in 2008:

 Groups in RAPID areas will only need to raise a minimum of 5% of the project cost in order to apply;
Groups in CLÁR areas will only need to raise a minimum of 10% of the project cost in order to apply;
Groups in non-disadvantaged areas will only need to raise a minimum of 15% of the project cost in order to apply.

 Minister Ring said he is delighted to be able to oversee the return of the Sports Capital Programme. However, with less money available than in the past, many grants will be smaller. He also stressed that the Department will monitor spending by clubs closely in order to ensure it is utilised fully for the purpose intended.

 Application forms and information about how to apply is available on the website:

 The deadline for applications made online and those made in Irish (and hard copy of the signed application form and all supporting documentation) must reach the Department by 5pm on Friday 1st June 2012.

 Paper based applications (and all supporting documentation) must reach the Department by 5pm on Friday 11th May 2012.

 Please contact the KRSP office on 056 7720870 or email to reserve your place on the seminar.

By Mary Morgan Thu 12th Apr

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