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Final appeal to Clubs for submissions to the 2012 Year Book

By Mary Morgan Mon 29th Oct

Each club’s playing, social and development activities for 2012 will be covered through a series of (3-6) JPEG photographs of reasonable resolution (minimum of 500KB) to be submitted by each club.

These photos should reflect the year’s activities of the club including those of the local Handball Club. Old historical or unusual photos would also be greatly appreciated as well as those of deceased members. All photos should include some explanatory text outlining the event – names etc. and these captions should be the only text included in the report.

All major obituary notes in each club will be included in a separate section of the book and can be 300-500 words in length and should include a photograph of the deceased.

All Club submissions are to be mailed to Gerry O’Neill before the deadline of Sunday 28th of October

By Mary Morgan Mon 29th Oct

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