
By Mary Morgan Mon 1st Oct

Following their fantastic victory a Civic reception and homecoming event for the Kilkenny Senior Hurling Team, and management will take place on Monday 1st October at Nowlan Park, Kilkenny. The team will arrive in Kilkenny at approx 5.30pm and will take an open top bus ride from the Parade in Kilkenny via Rose Inn Street, over John’s Bridge, through John Street, then via Hebron Road,to arrive at Nowlan Park, for 6.30pm……………

 Kilkenny Borough Council and Kilkenny G.A.A. County Board would like to invite you to attend the Homecoming in Nowlan Park where you can enjoy music and big screen entertainment from 4.00pm. There will be some traffic disruption, which will be kept to the absolute minimum, but residents of the Castle Road area and O’Loughlin Road/Assumption Place should note that traffic restrictions will be in place to facilitate the bus tour, and local access will be maintained. Kilkenny Gardai will operate a traffic management plan. Specific local information will be notified to residents affected

Supporters attending should note that while the entrance to Ardán Breathnach (old stand) at O’Loughlin Road, will be closed to the public, all other entrances will be fully open from 4.00pm.

Come and have fun in the sun – the Black & Amber way……………Live music will be provided by The Kilkennys and Ross and the Mighty Cats, while Edwina Grace will once again act as M. C. with her usual style and flair. Re- live some magic moments on the big screens, including action from the big match.

To ensure the safety of all attending, please arrive early at Nowlan Park and co-operate fully with all stewards, who will be working hard to make the evening as enjoyable as possible.

By Mary Morgan Mon 1st Oct

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