Admission is €13 for adults and €5 for Senior Citizens and Students. Under 16’s are free. Tickets can be purchased in advance from Supervalu in Loughboy, Thomastown and Ballyraggett and Centra Stores in Ardnore and Mooncoin. Pre purchases will help you access the ground with ease on Sunday.
Season Ticket Stiles are located at No 17 and 18 on Hebron Road (New Stand Side) and at Stile 31(immediately behind Old Stand) and Stile 37 at Mc Guinness’s on O’Loughlin Road.
The Disabled Area is located at rear of Section B in Ardan de Gras (New Stand) and can be accessed through special gate beside Stile 8 on Hebron Road. There is no parking available for disabled persons inside the ground.
By Mary Morgan Thu 28th Mar