Important Information for GAA E Mail Holders

By Mary Morgan Sat 14th Dec

The GAA recently reached an agreement with Microsoft to provide a technology package for the organisation. The agreement sees the GAA migrtaing to Microsoft Office 365 from Google. The main impact for club and county officers is that their email will move from Gmail to the new Microsoft system. On Friday 13th December all email holders would have received new log on details. The good news is that the old email address continues but it is vital that all holders log on to the new system as soon as possible. Some Important information:

  • All email holders now have access to new Microsoft system.
  • All the information in old email (Contacts/Folders/Distribution Lists etc) will transfer to new email in the short term.
  • The Gmail system will no longer be available from December 23rd.
  • You should start using Microsoft system immediately as items input in to Gmail between now and closedown date may not transfer.
  • The email system – Outlook – is similar to Gmail but you do need to familiarise yourself with the tools and layout.
  • Besides the email system there is a superb office system where Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint is available with the added bonus that documents are saved “In the Cloud” i.e. On Line. The system also allows for sharing of documents.
  • Another major plus is that the system is suitable for I Phone, I Pad and Android which now gives you the capability of creating documents on mobile devices which was not possible in the past.

There is full training on the new system on the GAA’s training portal HEREIf anybody needs any initial help to get started with the new system please contact IT Officer Seamus Reade on 085-1389397There is System Support available or Telephone 01-8843258


By Mary Morgan Sat 14th Dec

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