Brian Hogan Announces His Retirement

By Mary Morgan Wed 26th Nov

Retirement Statement Brian Hogan

It is with great sadness that I wish to announce my retirement from intercounty hurling.
The past decade in the black and amber jersey, have been some of the greatest times of my life. I
have had the opportunity to play both with, and against, some of the finest players ever to play the
game.  I leave with the greatest of memories of the best of friendships. 
I feel extremely privileged to have been involved in one of the most successful periods in Kilkenny
hurling; and as I leave, what I’ll take most  is the memory of the time spent with the lads, who I was
lucky enough to call my teammates and friends.
I’d like to thank my club, O’Loughlin Gaels for their constant support and contribution to my
development as a player. In particular, I’d like to thank them for giving me the honour of captaining
the Kilkenny team in 2011. It was an incredible honour to lead such an amazing group of players, and
I did so as a proud O’Loughlins man. I look forward to returning to St. Johns Park to finish my hurling
career where it all began. 
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Brian Cody and his management teams, for seeing potential
in me, and for giving me the opportunity to fulfil my childhood dreams and aspirations. In addition,
I’d like to thank the Kilkenny county board, Kilkenny supporters and sponsors Glanbia for all their
support over the years.  I’d also like to thank my coaches throughout my school days; in St John’s, St
Kieran’s and finally in UCD, who all contributed to my development as a player.
To my employers Gruenthal Pharma, I’d like to thank them sincerely for their constant support. I’d
also like to thank them for their understanding and flexibility, in facilitating my intercounty
Finally, I’d like to say a special word of thanks to my family, who instilled in me, a love for the game
of hurling from an early age, and for their continued support and encouragement. In particular I’d
like to thank my wife Elaine, who has been with me since the beginning of this intercounty journey,
and who has been a constant source of support and advice throughout those years. 
I’d like to wish Brian, the management team and the Kilkenny panel the very best luck in the coming
Go raibh maith agaibh,
Brian Hogan

By Mary Morgan Wed 26th Nov

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