Coaching & Development News

By Mary Morgan Sun 10th Jan

Here are a couple of notes which could be on interest to  you and your club colleagues :


(1) After the short break! ……When you get a chance, could you please fill out the attached “Contacts form” for your club, and return via email, as soon as possible. A lot of clubs have requested this, for the coming season, so your assistance would be greatly appreciated.


(2) Click on this link    then scroll down under “Leinster GAA Coach Education”  for full details of a Seminar  arranged by Leinster GAA, which could be of interest to your Club’s “Youth” Coaches, taking place this Saturday 9th January.

(3) We have an open invitation to Youth Coaches from U-14 to U-18 to attend St. Kieran’s College Gym/Hall  on Saturday 16th January and Saturday 30th January,  where Sean Kelly will be working with Squad Players, in 1.5 hour slots, starting at 9.00am and finishing at 1.00pm, and demonstrating the teaching points etc of relevant Age Appropriate activities for that cohort of players.


(4) We have arranged a Hurling Foundation Coaching Course in the Blacks/Whites GAA Club  starting on Tuesday 19th January @ 7.30pm (Theory).


(5) Also a reminder re the Award 2 Hurling Coaching Course starting in February, details of which we sent to your in December.

(6) We will  also have a “Club Juvenile Information” evening for Juvenile Clubs in February, when we aim  (amongst other topics) to :

(a) Distribute the entire Club “Go Games” fixtures for the season to each club,

(b) To have an outline of available Foundation/Award 1 Courses/Workshops etc for your team of dedicated Coaches,

(c) To be in a position to share all the relevant Contact numbers for the various age groups,

(d) Discuss any issues which are relevant to you and your club colleagues for the coming season.

Finally, we would like to wish you, and your club colleagues, all the best for the coming season, both on and off the field, and we do look forward to being in contact with you for the coming season,

Thanking you in advance,

Is mise,

Brían Ryan

For and on behalf of Kilkenny GAA

(087) 2492343

By Mary Morgan Sun 10th Jan

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