Flags Awarded to 32 Kilkenny Clubs

By Mary Morgan Tue 13th Dec

Kilkenny GAA

Coaching and Games

Annual “Club Cill Chainngh” Flag Award Presentation

 in the Springhill Court Hotel


In the SpringhillCourt Hotel last Tuesday evening, 6th December, Kilkenny GAA Coaching and Games held its Anuual Club Cill Chainnigh Flag Award presentation night.

        Club’s Juvenile sections, who promote best practice for the promotion of Gaelic Games in their communities,  are rewarded for their efforts during the current season. Seventeen Criteria, covering all the various strand of Games Development (for the 8 to 18 year old cohort), have been devised by Kilkenny GAA Coaching and Games in consultation with clubs.

         Clubs can attain a Three Star or a Two Star Flag Award.  Each club, who applies, receive an Equipment pack (sponsored by Kilkenny GAA) which  this year included the GAA’s “Fun Do” Pack and Kilkenny GAA’s “Player Pathway” booklet.  As part of the evening, an outline of Coach Education Plans for the coming 2017 season, and also an outline of extra coaching initiatives that club’s themselves devised to continue to develop their games, in their communities, were also outlined.

Guest speaker on the night was Martin Fogarty – Newly appointed Hurling Development Manager.

Other speakers on the evening  were (1) Ned Quinn – Chairman of Kilkenny County Board (2) Sean Kelly – Leinster/Kilkenny GAA (3) Pat Tynan – Newly appointed Development Squad Chairman (4) James Meagher – Kilkenny GDA (5) Brían Ryan – Games Manager.

This Club Cill Chainnigh Award scheme, commenced five year ago, with seven clubs applying. In it’s fifth year, we are pleased to say that that number has grown to Thirty two clubs applying in 2016.

By Mary Morgan Tue 13th Dec

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