Kilkenny Supporters Club – Dublin Branch AGM

By Mary Morgan Mon 19th Feb

Kilkenny Supporters Club Dublin Branch

Hon President: T.G. Norton Chairman Eddie Nolan 42 Ballygall Road East, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. 086 2421924

Vice-chairman: Kevin Houlihan 087-7663738

Treasurer: Jim Butler, 34 Foxfield Park, Dublin 5. Ph: 832 4409

Secretary: Michael Dowling, 10 Lucerne Court, 39 Castle Avenue, Clontarf, D 3. Ph: 8531915

Membership Secretaries: John Corr 22 Woodstown Heights Knocklyon, Dublin 16 086-6055654 John Mooney 47 Bourne View Ashbourne, Co Meath 087-6406148 PRO: Niall Butler 54 Knocknashee, Dublin 14 086-8071821

Committee: Seamus O’Neill: 087-2234789 Jim Dunne:085-1120428 Paddy Burthchael: 086-1691891 Sinead Byrne: 087-7424153 Kay Cannon: 087-2183592 Lar Carroll: 087-6790984 Jane Lynam Treanor: 0874199862 John Nolan: 086-843 9590 Eamonn Purcell: 087-2509931 Jim Staunton: 087-2345588

Kilkenny Supporters Club – February 2018 Newsletter

Kilkenny Supporters club AGM – 22nd February 2018 The AGM is scheduled for date Thursday 22nd February at 20:00 in the Academy Hotel, Plaza suite. Members can send nominations for officer board positions & committee membership to Michael Dowling (Secretary) by post, email or mobile.

Kilkenny National Hurling League Fixtures – 2018 Vs Cork Pairc Ui Chaoimh 27th January Vs Clare Nowlan Park 4th February Vs Waterford Walsh Park 18th February Vs Tipperary Nowlan Park 25th February Vs Wexford Nowlan Park 4th March Quarter Final – 11th March Semi Final – 18th March League Final -24th March

Ned Quinn and retired players tribute The recent AGM of Kilkenny Co. Board saw the retirement of long serving County Board Chairman Ned Quinn. Neds contribution to Kilkenny hurling during his terms as chairman was immense and cannot be overstated. Together with Brian Cody he is acknowledged as playing a huge part in the phenomenal success of Kilkenny hurling during those years. Ned was a huge supporter of the activities of our cflub and we would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his support. No doubt he will continue to contribute at County Board level where his expertise and ability will be invaluable2017 saw the sunset on another group of the ‘Golden age’ players careers. In Particular the barn storming performances of Michael Fennelly and Kieran Joyce will live long in the memory. Joining them are Michael Walsh, Jonjo Farrell and former captains Mark Bergin (2017) / Shane Prendergast (2016). Thank you for all the effort and many great days out in the ‘Black and Amber’.

Kilkenny Supporters Club: Trip to Cork 27th January 2018 Many thanks to all who travelled to Cork for the league game last month. While the result didn’t go our way, we enjoyed a fine day out with plenty of chat.

Resilience in Sport – Lessons for Business: 18th Januray 2018 Dublin Branch of Kilkenny Supporters Club contributed to the recent joint fundraising event of Kilkenny Co. Board and St. Kierans College held at The Clayton Hotel, Burlington Road. The event which attracted in excess of 400 attendees was a huge success and received all round praise from both corporate and private attendees. Titled “RESILIENCE IN SPORT/LESSONS FOR BUSINESS it had as guest speakers Terry Clune Taxback Kilkenny, Brian Cody, Jim Gavin and well know horse trainer Jim Bolgertogether with a panel discussion comprising of Tommy Walsh, David Herity and the Downey sisters. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members who contributed to this worthwhile event.

Kilkenny Supporters club – Dinner & Social evening: 1st December 2017 The Dinner & Social evening took place in Ballyboden St. Enda’s GAA club, A great night took place with many raffle prizes, including a presentation to Seamus McDonald who won a car in the Hurlers Draw 2017. Thank you to all who attended and supported the night.

Mick Gorman: Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dilis It was with great sadness that we learned of the recent death of club founder and longserving member Mick Gorman RIP. Mick was a prominent member of our club for many years always an active supporter of fundraising and social events and his contribution to our club will be sorely missed. Mick was a proud Kilkenny man and had a huge love of his native Ballyouskill. He was a life long supporter of both Kilkenny and Ballyragget hurling and derived great pleasure from the recent successes of both. On behalf of our club we extend our sincerest sympathy to his wife Josephene, his daughter Teresa, son Michael, brother Jim and sister Mary on their sad loss.

Membership: A gentle reminder to all members that membership fees are now due. Please contact your committee member or John Mooney @087 6406148 or John Corr @ 086 6055654.

Communications: If you are an eMail or mobile, please contact us with your details to be included in event, team news and current information @

By Mary Morgan Mon 19th Feb

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