Coaching and Games Development updates

By Mary Morgan Thu 23rd Jan

Kilkenny GAACoaching and Games Development


 Turas/Kilkenny GAA  Club Juvenile Information Meeting 2020


We would ask each club to have (a) Juvenile Coaching Co-Ordinator (b) Juvenile Chairperson (c) Juvenile Secretary (d) One mentor from each level from U7 to U13 present for your Club Juvenile Information night in the Springhill Court Hotel Tuesday 11th February 8pm.

 Teas/coffees served on arrival.

 We will be in contact by phone with you before the meeting to finalise exact details. 


Club Contacts for 2020

 As most clubs have had their AGM’S, or will have over the next week or two, we have asked clubs to fill out any changes to your clubs contacts at the various age grades for the 2020 season. This list of contacts is very handy for use by all clubs to arrange additional games during the season.


Safeguarding Courses

Tuesday 28th January in Nowlan Park 7.30pm

Thursday 6th February in Nowlan Parrk 7.30pm

Tuesday 18th February in Nowlan Park 7.30pm

Please contact to book your coaches places.


Coaching Courses 2020 (Introduction to Gaelic Games)

Friday 31st January 7.30pm /Saturday 1st February     10.00am  : Castlecomer Community School

Friday 7th February 7.30pm /Saturday 8th February    10.00am : Mullinavat GAA

Friday 21st February 7.30pm  /Saturday 22nd February 10.00am  : Glenmore GAA

Contact  Brían Ryan (087) 2492343 /PJ Ryan (087) 6748378/Sean Kelly (086) 2595472


Performance Analysis : Monday 3rd February 7.30pm.  Nowlan Park – Contact Seán Kelly (086) 2595472


Award 1 Coaching Course : Wednesday 12th February 7.30pm  Nowlan Park

Thursday 5th March , Wednesday 18th March , Thursday 7th May, Thursday 21st May, Thursday 11th , Monday 5th October.

Athletic Development /Speed/Agility Development Workshop : February/March

Age Grade Specific Turas Player Pathway Workshops : February/March 

The “Art of Goalkeeping” Workshop   – April

 “Coaching the Coaches” – Targeting Clubs Youth Coaches Thursday 5th March with M. Fogarty (National Hurling Development Manager) 7.30pm Nowlan Park.

Hurling – Skill Development  Age appropriate Skill Development at the various age grades  with modern technology using Kilkenny GAA ‘s  “The Hurler” App incorporating Skill Challenges .  April

Post Primary School Education Programme –  targeting our Youth Cohort across the County (February/March)

Turas Club School Coach Developer Sessions- Primary schools in their Club Catchment area 8 week Coaching Block 

Primary School 5 Star Centres – Teacher/ Coach developer sessions in our Primary Schools

Please keep an eye on the Kilkenny GAA Website for exact details of all the above activities.



 Club Cill Chainnigh -Applications 2020


              In 2020 Kilkenny GAA Coaching and Games are offering clubs the opportuntiy to apply for our now annual Club Cill Chainngih Flag Award which is in recognition of the ongoing development in their club environment with young players throughout each and every communtiy in the county.

Clubs who apply, and receive the “Flag”  (There are Three/Two Star Flags available) will be presented with their Flag, to fly proudly at their Club grounds, at the County Convention. There will also be a small Equipment Grant available to clubs.


If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us at any stage on the following numbers :

 Clubs Contact  Brían Ryan (087) 2492343 /PJ Ryan (087) 6748378/Sean Kelly (086) 2595472


Slán go dtí an  cead cluiche eile



By Mary Morgan Thu 23rd Jan

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