Favourite Moment – Railyard GFC

By Mary Morgan Mon 27th Apr

Railyard GFC (@RailyardGFC) | Twitter

 Hello, my name is Eóin, I am 10 years of age – I play U11’s football, my club is Railyard GFC, based in Moneenroe Co. Kilkenny.I have lots of favourite moments with my club Railyard GFC.  The Summer Camp, Matches, Christmas Movie Nights, Training etc, I enjoy them all and love being with my friends and having lots of fun while playing football.  If I were to pick one favourite moment it would be winning the Kelly Cup in 2019 with my team.This tournament is played at u11s each year between our club and neighbouring club, Spink.Last year our team won the Cup after a very close game.  Both teams played really well.  Why this is my favourite moment so far in my football career is that my Father is one of the mentors, along with Liam and Paddy.  My sister Aisling also played with me that day, she scored a goal in this match but I gave her an assist and I love reminding her she only scored because I helped her!After we won the cup all the team were screaming with excitement and we ran laps around the pitch with the cup, one of the lads was spraying water over the team, it was a great laugh.  We also got goody bags, and lots of treats after the match.This tournament is a memorial cup, and last year the nephews of whom this cup is dedicated to were the captains on our winning team.I love football and miss it so much.  I can’t wait to be able to get back training again and to play matches with my club, Railyard and my team-mates again and really hope that is very soon. 


By Mary Morgan Mon 27th Apr

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