Kilkenny Coaching and Games

By Mary Morgan Tue 24th Nov

Roll on 2021 – Kilkenny GAA Coaching and Games

To continue to support all our clubs, Kilkenny GAA Coaching and Games, under the Chairmanship of Pat Tynan, are pleased to outline details of their continuation of their Club Túras Support Programme.

Each club in the county will be offered a planning session with one of our full time staff, followed by coaching visits to their GAA club.

The visits will be supplemented by the Túras Resources devised by Leinster GAA and which will assist club coaches as they continue to develop Gaelic Games in County.

Pat Tynan, Chairman of Kilkenny Coaching and Games, is delighted to announce the continued support which has been a hallmark of Kilkenny GAA over many years, School/s Club and Squads all working in tandem to the betterment of our young players.

“Turas is the Irish word for journey and Supporting both Coaches and Players on their journey is something we place an extremely high value on, and this can be seen in the work which continued in the county at all levels, even during a pandemic”.


Pat Tynan

Kilkenny GAA Coaching Officer

Mól an Óige agus Tiocfaidh said

By Mary Morgan Tue 24th Nov

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