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Development Squad Sessions This Saturday

By Séamus Reade Tue 15th Jun

Development Squad Sessions This Saturday
Development Squad Sessions This Saturday

Kilkenny GAA Development Squads/Regional Club Squad Coaching sessions 2021

Our U14 /U15/U16/U17 Age levels, have another Development Squad coaching session this Saturday, 19th June, 2021 at 8 venues around the county.

In a new addition to the calendar we have introduced “U13 Regional Club Squad Coaching Sessions” starting  Saturday in 4 venues, as a “Pilot Project”.

At U14/U15/U16/U17 Age Levels Panels are as selected for the previous session.

At U13 for the Regional Club Squad sessions, Club Coaching Co-ordinators have been contacted to send the players.

In addition to these sessions our dedicated cohort of Coaches will also be attending the local U17/U15/U13 Club league games organised by Bord na nÓg.

(Based on some recent club games additional players have been invited in at U14 Age Grade.)


Please read each Development Squads/U13 Regional Club Squad session Time /Venue/Details carefully at the following linkSquad Sessions 19th June 2021

Players please note : 

(1) Strict Covid 19 guidelines/protocols to be adhered to.

(2) Wash hands on entering /exiting the ground.

(3) Bring own water bottler with your name on it.

(4) Ensure your parent/guardian completes your Health questionnaire. (See below).

(5) Please wear your Club togs/stockings for the session.

(6) Arrive at least 20 minutes prior to start of session.

(7) Bring your Helmet, and a spare hurl with your name on it.

Parents/Guardians Please note :

(1) One Parent/Guardian is allowed attend.

(2) Everybody is asked to adhere strictly to the Covid 19 Guidelines.

(3) Wash hands on entering and exiting the venue.

(4) Social Distance of 2 Metres to be maintained.

(5) Complete you and your youth players Foireann Health Questionnaire.

(6) Instructional video on setting up your player profile on the Kilkenny Development Squads/U13 Regional Club Squad sessions are available at the following link.  trim.FBB79AFD-ECB6-4A30-8C76-475B3E09EC39

(7) Once THE PROFILE is created as part of Family you should ensure that Kilkenny County is added as an Additional Club. Your player will be assigned to the relevant Development Squad Team.

(8) The Health Questionnaire should be submitted for yourself and your player before each and every session/game.


Thank you,

Kilkenny GAA Development Squads Committee.


By Séamus Reade Tue 15th Jun

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