The County Convention was held before a big attendance in O’Loughlin Gaels Club on Monday evening. There were no changes to the main officer positions and only one vote taken for delegates to Annual Congress. County Secretary Jimmy Walsh presented a very comprehensive annual report which ran to 21 pages. Click HERE for Secretary’s Report.
Treasurer Barry Hickey presented the Financial Report showing a surplus of €263,818 for year ended 31st October 2015. Included in the figures were the receipts for 2014 County Finals, amounting to over 103,000, which took place after the 31st October deadline in 2014. Whilst acknowledging the great work of many people in contributing to the success on the financial side he cautioned the need to be vigilant. Loan repayments of 120,000 had to be met from this surplus and if you adjusted the 2014 final gates the actual annual surplus was just 40,000.
County Board Chairman Ned Quinn made a comprehensive address to delegates outlining the successes of the year and thanking all who had helped in any way to make 2015 another great year for Kilkenny.
By Mary Morgan Wed 16th Dec