Development Squad Fixtures
Wed 25th May Celtic Challange Cup Under 17Kilkenny South v Carlow 7.30p.m. MW Hire Training Centre Dunmore Mon 30th May Under 14 Football 6.30p.m. MW Hire Training Centre DunmoreAll squad members are asked to attend. Clubs who have not sent any players up to now are urged to bring their best players. The team is managed by DJ Carey assisted by Seamus Norris,Murt Flynn,Angelo Cullen and Brian Ryan.DJ has travelled from Dublin for all the sessions and the Blitz in Carlow where the team performed very well..Please give your support to this effort. Wed 1st June Under 14 Hurling 6.30p.m. Pairc Stiophain Kells Rd.North,Central and South Squads to attend Wed 1st June Celtic Challange Cup Kilkenny South v Tipperary South 7.30p.m. Venue not yet known
By Mary Morgan Mon 23rd May