“Our mission is to provide support to the massive volunteer cohorts across the various strands of the Kilkenny GAA “Family”, in terms of maximising participation and continually seeking ways to improve our services at each and every opportunity”
Child Welfare
Click HERE for link to Safeguarding & Vetting Page
Cumann na mBunscol
Click HERE for link to Cumann na mBunscol website
Coaching & Games Committee
Click HERE for link to Kilkenny GAA Coaching and Games Committee
Coaching & Games Communications
The Coaching & Games group will utilise the Foireann platform for scheduling and notifications; to ensure active participation, the following links may be helpful: Accessing Foireann , Setting your Child Up on Foireann or Getting a new Foireann Account – your Club Secretary or Registrar will be available to assist if required
Coaching & Games – Michael Fennelly Interview
Nickey Brennan interviews Micheal Fennelly on his thoughts around Kilkenny GAA Coaching & Games, and how players will be progressed during the coming year (interview from 27th August 2023)
Audio Player